Welcome to the Meridian City Tarot. This set of twenty-two major arcana is based on the widely accepted Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, but presents the themes of the tarot through a cyberpunk-inspired lens. Each of the figures depicted inhabits the vast, hyper-industrialized megacity of Meridian, and each of them embody their cards in their own way. Just as the major arcana represent a spiritual journey, the scenes and characters from the winding alleys and towering high-rises of Meridian represent a narrative of inequality, rebellion, and solidarity.
0: The Fool
1: The Magician
2: The High Priestess
3: The Empress
4: The Emperor
5: The Hierophant
6: The Lovers
7: The Chariot
8: Strength
9: The Hermit
10: Wheel of Fortune
11: Justice
12: The Hanged Man
13: Death
14: Temperance
15: The Devil
16: The Tower
17: The Star
18: The Moon
19: The Sun
20: Judgement
21: The World
Meridian is a neon-soaked metropolis defined by its sharp divide between those with means and those without, leading to two distinct sides of the city. The Lower Side, more commonly known as the Gutter, is largely home to gangs, each of them led and organized by a lord. The gangs are the closest thing to true community that exists in the Gutter, and although they're known for constant infighting and bloody violence, they also provide protection and a proper home to their members. Despite their often explosive differences, the gangs tend to agree on one thing: Meridian is rotten to its core, and it was made that way by its obscenely rich ruling families.These ruling families administer their empires from Meridian's Upper Side, often referred to as Palacetown. To them, status and power are everything, and they've claimed both through the systematic exploitation of everyone beneath them. Profit is Meridian's only god, so the Palace lords will do anything in pursuit of it. This includes the violent subjugation of the gangs, should they rear their heads enough to disrupt Upper Side business. This dichotomy has resulted in a city plagued by hostility, with unrest brought to a near-boil by decades of conflict. Only time will tell which side of Meridian will eventually consume the other.
▲ Adventure, innocence, new beginnings
▼ Risk, stagnation, delaysThe Fool represents the beginning of a journey. It is a call to step into the unknown, just as The Fool steps forward into the treacherous but promising world laid out before them. The inherent danger of venturing into a realm of unpredictable possibilities is matched only by what you stand to gain. When The Fool appears in a reading, it asks you to go forth with an open mind. You will broaden your horizons immeasurably.
Deep within Meridian's neon-soaked alleys and glassy high-rises, a scion of the city's most powerful noble dynasty abandons her family. Tessa Cavender has glimpsed the corruption that runs through her family's blue-blooded veins, and she cannot rest until she uncovers the truth. She knows she will only find it amidst the gritty underbelly of Meridian's gang-controlled territory, commonly referred to as the Gutter.
▲ Skill, innovation, initiative
▼ Misdirection, hesitation, distractionThe Magician is a master of her own realm, a creator with boundless imagination and the drive to pursue it. Everything she needs in order to accomplish her goals is within her grasp, and she will use every resource and talent available to her in order to build her legacy. When The Magician appears in a reading, it's a sign to take stock of your capabilities and apply them in tangible ways to achieve your goals. You have the tools, but nobody else will put them to use for you.
Meridian's Gutter has a blood-soaked reputation, but even still, Starling was never deterred by the prospect of becoming one of its lords. It was exactly this fortitude and drive that resulted in her success. Anyone less savvy or more easily intimidated would be chewed up and spat out through the city's teeth, but Starling stands above her peers, despite her relative youth. What she may lack in experience, she more than makes up for in competence and craft.
▲ Wisdom, the subconscious, knowledge from within
▼ Mystery, lack of clarity, hidden intentionsThe High Priestess is a conduit to deliver subconscious knowledge to your conscious mind. She is a patron of insight and a guardian of wisdom, the keeper of truths that are not immediately or tangibly evident. When The High Priestess appears in a reading, it indicates the need to look within for answers rather than being influenced by external forces. By getting in touch with your inner mind, you can bring these answers to the surface. You already have what you need; you must simply listen to yourself in order to realize it.
In Meridian, everything is a business enterprise, and that includes the gangs. Most gang lords would be nothing without their advisors, confidants who keep track of logistics and keep a close eye on their fellows. Knowledge is power, after all; a blend of stringent observation and dependable intuition is perhaps the mightiest weapon of all. That makes people like Marcy both dangerous and valuable, fitting companions to the lords they serve. As an advisor to Surge, leader of the largest gang in Meridian, Marcy has a tough job, but she's more than up to the challenge.
▲ Prosperity, benevolence, support, nature
▼ Overreliance on others, punishment, deprivationThe Empress is a loving figure who brings abundance and care to everyone in her orbit. She nurtures those around her, allowing them to reach new heights while she revels in their success. Her connection to nature means that, while she is ultimately a benevolent provider, she also has immense power and can choose to revoke her blessings for those who are undeserving. When The Empress appears in a reading, she calls you to get in touch with your own kindness, and extend it to those who will appreciate it.
Although Meridian is known for its cutthroat competition and bloody conflict, it still holds pockets of compassion. One of these is Little Solanarra, a network of neighborhoods known for sheltering runaways, exiles, and people who have simply fallen on hard times. Its de facto leader, Stefania, is relentlessly charitable to anyone who agrees to keep the peace in her domain. Anyone who seeks to harm her people, however, will find her to be a ferocious defender of her home.
▲ Status, authority, law and order
▼ Domination, abuse of power, subjugation, corruptionThe Emperor is a stalwart defender of the hierarchy upon which he rules from. He demands the respect he believes to be owed, uncompromising and unafraid to take charge. This pursuit of his own power means that he is an efficient and strategic leader, but runs the risk of being overly domineering. When The Emperor appears in a reading, it asks you to examine yourself and decide whether you need to take ownership of your power, or step away from it. Be strong, but do not let the strength corrupt you, lest you become a dictator rather than a guide.
Meridian's most powerful inheritor prince, Ezra Cavender, solidifies his family's iron grip on the city in the wake of his father's death, seeking to usurp his mother's role as the head of the dynasty. Just like his father, he is resolute and single-minded, the perfect heir. He has little patience for those without the will to do what's necessary to succeed, and even less tolerance for the city's rebellious dregs, its gangs and lowly street drifters. His desire for control twists itself into cruelty, but he doesn't see the difference.
▲ Tradition, conformity, community
▼ Freedom, innovation, shedding restraintsThe Hierophant represents the structure imposed upon our lives by the systems we live within, whether that be religion, family hierarchies, or governmental bodies. All of these entities enforce a status quo through various means. When The Hierophant appears in a reading, it calls you to either find strength in those structures or break free of them. Choosing to comply is generally more comfortable, while choosing to forge a new path can be both frightening and liberating. Though it may be lonely at times, it will be yours.
An underworld investor with both connections and capital is a rarity in the Gutter, and as such, Pariah is a favorite contact for ambitious gang lords looking to expand their empires. However, he offers his support on one condition: that his clients stay in line. To disrupt Meridian's tenuous balance by rebelling against the ruling families would be tantamount to total war. Living under the heel of another is a painful existence, but to Pariah, it's better than strangling oneself in their own chains.
▲ Decisions, unity, shared understanding, principles
▼ Avoidance, disharmony, indecisivenessThe Lovers is often seen as a card solely concerning romantic relationships, but at its core, it refers to meaningful choices and the necessity to use forethought and consider all angles when making them. All relationships are a series of choices, after all. Love itself is a choice. When The Lovers appears in a reading, it asks you to be honest with yourself about what you're willing to claim, give up, or stand for. By making those important decisions, you will become your best self and build genuine connections with others.
On the surface, Ruby and Haven couldn't be more different. Ruby, a trained assassin whose only fear is the idea of rebelling against the unstoppable machine of Meridian, never thought she would find companionship or even understanding in Haven, a freedom fighter who will stop at nothing in the pursuit of justice. Brought together as part of an ambitious mission, they quickly found solace in one another. With so many difficult choices plaguing both of their paths, love is refreshingly, surprisingly easy.
▲ Willpower, ambition, success, unyielding resolve
▼ Obstacles, hesitation, lack of focusThe Chariot is a sign of both strong intention and the ruthless desire to pursue it. It reminds you that you can do what you want and be who you want as long as you have the will to reach for your goals. When The Chariot appears in a reading, it's a catalyst, a prompt to take the reins of your own destiny. No one else can accomplish your goals for you, so if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself. Nothing can stand in your way. Be unstoppable.
Anyone who wants to survive in the Gutter has to learn to claw their way up the social order. Those who do anything and everything in pursuit of success are the ones who truly thrive. None know this paradigm better than Surge, the Gutter's most well-known lord. He rose to power from the depths of Meridian through a combination of sheer conviction and merciless ambition. Some would call him arrogant, or vain, and he'd proudly agree to both. After all, what's so wrong about knowing yourself to be the best there is?
▲ Courage, passion, tenacity, self-discipline
▼ Insecurity, untempered emotion, vulnerabilityStrength represents the fortitude required to temper your most wild emotions into more constructive forms. Turmoil and personal struggle can often bring us down, but with enough patience and dedication, you can weather the storm and emerge stronger than before. When Strength appears in a reading, it points to your inner power, asking you to get in touch with the unbreakable core that has carried you through every trial you've faced thus far. You are stronger than both external adversity and internal strife.
Many of Meridian's residents weren't born there, but through some unfortunate turn or another, found themselves deep in the city and unable to leave. Anomaly is one of those people. She learned to survive by becoming an expert hacker, while also casting aside her real name and her former life in order to fit into the Gutter. This destruction of personhood was a difficult lesson, one that still eats at her years later, but she is not the sort to give in. She refuses to allow grief to overtake her.
▲ Truth, privacy, introspection, meditation
▼ Isolation, alienation, need for connectionThe Hermit is a bringer of wisdom, and an advocate for the benefits of occasional loneliness. Oftentimes, being alone is what allows our minds to truly open up and show us truths we were otherwise too preoccupied to see. When The Hermit appears in a reading, it's a reminder to cultivate your connection with your inner self. Take time to understand your interiority, and you will know those around you in turn.
Most would balk at the idea of a lone teenager surviving in the Gutter, but Coda wouldn't have it any other way. They chose to immigrate to Meridian in pursuit of the boundless knowledge held within its mainframes and encrypted files, knowing that those secrets are worth far more than money. As an information broker, they have many contacts, but no real allegiances. They enjoy the solitude, as it allows them to think more clearly and ensures they only have to rely on themself.
▲ Luck, opportunity, giving up control
▼ Misfortune, refusal to adapt, repetitionThe Wheel of Fortune is always turning. As such, it is a purveyor of fickle fate and branching paths. It reminds us that, as much control as we strive to have over our lives, change and chance are the ultimate equalizing factors in everyone's experiences. Whether we want to or not, we must leave much of our lives up to chance, and trust that things will turn out well. When Wheel of Fortune appears in a reading, it may be a sign that you need to give up some stability in order to welcome new opportunities into your life. Luck cannot be controlled, so it's necessary to be adaptable.
Identities are a dime a dozen in Meridian, given that it's standard practice to discard one's given name in favor of an alias. Anyone who wants a new name, a new face, or a new life seeks out Alibi, an ever-changing dealer of selfhood. They don't care who you were before; they don't need to know in order to remake you. Just as their face is never the same, shifting between holograms of horned demons, regal princesses, and sobbing angels, their price is also variable. They may choose not to collect for days, months, or even years, but they never forget a debt.
11: Justice
▲ Truth, consequence, fairness, impartiality
▼ Negligence, dishonesty, prejudiceJustice is both compassionate and unbiased. She judges based on objective merit, and her decisions are final. While she is empathetic, and does not seek cruel or unusual punishment, she is also unyielding in her pursuit of equality. Those who have strived to do right will see their deeds recognized. Those who exploit, hurt, or oppress others will face the consequences. When Justice appears in a reading, she calls you to evaluate your choices logically and thoroughly, so that you feel comfortable standing by your own rulings.
Justice is a rare commodity in Meridian, a city divided by extreme class inequality and violent suppression of anyone not born into institutional power. Still, though, there are those who seek it out, and those who have deemed themselves worthy of distributing it. Haven is a freedom fighter who has witnessed the bloodiest injustices her city has to offer, and thus pursues abolition of the city's tyrannical ruling class. She is judge, jury, and executioner, with the rationality and composure to excel at all three.
12: The Hanged Man
▲ Rest, reflection, changing viewpoints
▼ Stagnation, restriction, hesitationThe Hanged Man indicates a period of rest and meditation. Notably, though he is suspended, he is also calm, indicating that he's in this position voluntarily. This is because he's seeking a new perspective in order to chart the way forward. When The Hanged Man appears in a reading, it asks you to slow down and reevaluate your situation. Only by separating yourself from your usual attitudes and patterns can you recognize whether they are truly serving you or not.
There's a lot to be learned simply by observing. Strength alone is not enough to survive in the Gutter; knowledge and forethought are also required. Phoenix, a gang lord and arms dealer, is both shrewd and patient, with the restraint of a true hunter. Anyone who mistakes his self-control for passivity quickly learns their error. Waiting does not necessarily indicate a lack of confidence, after all. Rather, it's often a sign of watchfulness, a precursor to precise action.
13: Death
▲ Transformation, rebirth, endings and beginnings
▼ Refusal to change, denial, idlingDeath, rather than being strictly literal, is about change, just as death itself is a transition between stages of life. It is connected with cyclical processes, and reminds us that we must let go of some things in order to welcome others into our lives. Each coming night heralds the death and rebirth of the Sun, proving that endings are not always permanent and that transformation is a necessary force. When Death appears in a reading, consider any significant changes in your life, and identify old behaviors or thought processes that are no longer serving you, and can therefore be put to rest.
It's hard being a ghost. Enigma knows that well, having nearly perished in a fire that wiped out his former gang and left him the sole survivor. The flames burned away every aspect of his former self, leaving only a cold desire for revenge and the sense that he was not meant to live. For years, he considered his survival a curse, but in time learned to accept the change. There is no going back, so there is also no point in wishing things were different. There is only the road ahead, and the coming dawn.
14: Temperance
▲ Balance, harmony, restraint, composure
▼ Excess, tension, instabilityTemperance is a master of balance, with all aspects of themself aligned and in cooperation with each other. They urge you to do the same by remaining calm under pressure and ensuring your way of life is stable enough to allow you to reach your goals. When Temperance appears in a reading, you may need to reexamine your priorities, resolve conflict with people around you, or identify points of excess that need to be reigned in. You will go far by being a peacemaker, unifying others under your good will.
Due to Meridian's strict, and oftentimes deadly, social hierarchy, one wrong step can easily be your last. As a result, most of its inhabitants find it necessary to be cynical, distrustful, and ruthless, looking after only themselves with hardly a thought spared for anyone else. It's rare to encounter people like Wild, who have remained openminded and kind despite their upbringing. Some would consider their peaceable nature to be a sign of weakness, but it takes inordinate strength to remain gentle in a world that discourages it at every turn.
15: The Devil
▲ Temptation, entrapment, addiction, abuse
▼ Confrontation, reconciliation, difficult truthsThe Devil is representative of both our most harmful desires and the outside forces that strive to exploit and ruin us. Oftentimes, we are tempted by the things that hurt us the most, placing short-term gratification over long-term consequences. Other times, it's not ourselves, but the corrupted world in which we must live that puts us in chains. When The Devil appears in a reading, it calls awareness to these chains, but with the understanding that all chains can be broken. Confronted with enough strength and fortitude, even the most cruel bonds will shatter.
The natural conclusion of a profit-driven society is the dehumanization and oppression of those who are sacrificed to its bottom line. Anyone unwilling to make such a sacrifice is labeled an enemy to Meridian's order, and subject to the wrath of the city's famous mercenary enforcers, the Fifth Guard. The Guard is known for leaving blood in their wake, tearing their prey apart like a pack of wolves. There's no line they won't cross in defense of their elite employers' interests, and as such, they are both feared and reviled by the people who live beneath their boot.
16: The Tower
▲ Destruction, turmoil, chaos, collapse of structure
▼ Personal crisis, internal upheaval, metamorphosisThe Tower is widely considered to be the most grim of the major arcana, a herald of utter disaster that leaves only wreckage in its wake. While the destructive forces at play are certainly terrifying, they are also necessary. When The Tower appears in a reading, it is a reminder that anything built upon a flawed foundation is doomed to fall. Although the prospect of ruination is frightening, it is also an opportunity to sift through the wreckage, save what's truly important to you, and discard the rest. Start over, and build up stronger.
Despite its current uneasy stalemate, everyone in Meridian knows that the city is one bloody confrontation away from all-out war. Should tensions between the Upper and Lower Sides boil over, the results would be catastrophic, but some feel it's the only way forward. In a city beyond reform, where all good intentions are slowly consumed by unending corruption, the only way to stop the spread of rot is to burn it out.
17: The Star
▲ Hope, recovery, optimism
▼ Doubt, apathy, lack of faithThe Star brings its rejuvenating light to all who seek it, allowing for a period of inspiration and confidence. After overcoming great difficulties, you deserve to be confident in your place in the world. You can accomplish much if you pursue your desires. When The Star appears in a reading, seize your purpose and go forth with the knowledge that you are your truest self, and you will succeed by continuing to be so. Have faith in the path forward, and you will be rewarded.
Maintaining hope in the Gutter is a tall order, let alone spreading it to others, but some still rise to the task. As a doctor, Ward has dedicated his life to saving others, a rare mission amongst the Gutter's largely self-serving populace. Although the work is often grueling, Ward takes it up without hesitation, no matter who shows up at his clinic's door. It is his duty to ease their pain, and in doing so nurture their ability to hope that things might get better, for them and for their city.
18: The Moon
▲ Subconscious thoughts, anxiety, uncertainty
▼ Freedom from fear, confidence, clarityThe Moon represents what lurks beneath the surface of the conscious mind. Often, this includes repressed feelings, doubts, and fears that are difficult to confront, but worth addressing. When The Moon appears in a reading, it's a sign to unearth and unpack these hidden thoughts while allowing yourself grace as you come to terms with them. You do not need to hide yourself, and you do not need to be afraid of what you might find when you look inward.
A far cry from Meridian's more public-facing lords, Specter is the Shadow of the Gutter, an assassin lord known to all but seen by very few. His reputation as the leader of a group of hired executioners has given him an air of horror and mystery, but the man beneath the shroud is quite different from the stories. Years of navigating the tension in Meridian has left him disillusioned and seeking a way to disrupt the balance. Still, he wonders if he's prepared to do what it takes to break the stalemate. There will be no going back. Is it for the good of the people, or will it doom them all?
19: The Sun
▲ Joy, peace, self-expression
▼ Overcoming setbacks, hope, changing mindsetThe Sun is an adamantly positive card, full of vitality and wonder. Just as every living thing revels in warmth and light, this card encourages you to take heart in your own happiness and feel it to its fullest extent. When The Sun appears in a reading, allow yourself some time to soak in the joy that has, or will, come your way. Be authentic and unapologetic in your expression of yourself and your happiness.
Despite the surface-level homogeneity of Meridian's high-rises and hypermodern construction, it's a true melting pot, full of people from distant lands who carry their home cultures with them. Many of these cultures have found ways to preserve themselves within Meridian, building long-lasting communities and remaining dedicated to caring for their people. It's within these communities that true happiness proliferates, as free as possible from the oppressive confines of the city proper.
20: judgement
▲ Purpose, duty, turning points
▼ Delay, shirking responsibility, guiltJudgement indicates a monumental crossroads ahead, but fear not: you are equipped to make the best decision for yourself. If you use both your wits and your instincts to guide you, you will embark on the right path forward, having learned from your past as you look boldly to the future. When Judgement appears in a reading, trust your instincts. You know your values, so embody them. You know where you want to be, so take yourself there.
The road from lone survivor to skilled rebel has been a long one for Ruby. A former student of Specter, one of the Gutter's most feared lords, she's now taken up her mentor's mission: free the city, no matter the cost. She learned much from Specter, but as her duty becomes clearer to her, Ruby realizes that it's her own skill and expertise that will set Meridian alight, to be born anew from the ashes. The burden of change is a heavy one, but she will carry it.
21: The World
▲ Finality, cycles, completion, triumph
▼ Introspection, letting go, confronting the pastThe World is both the end of a journey and the beginning of the next. It represents the fruits of your labor and absolute victory over hardship. When The World appears in a reading, it is a sign to stand proud. You've made it to the conclusion of a cycle, and are ready for the next. Nobody can take this achievement from you. Stay your course, stake your claim, and declare yourself the master of your own odyssey.
There will come a day when the oppressed rise up and tear their oppressors apart. United in their desire for freedom and love for each other, they will shatter Meridian and build a better place in its wake. Should a new generation of tyrants arise, the rebellion will begin anew. A thousand burning cities, a thousand flares, and a thousand toppled dynasties: the cycle goes on forever. As long as cruelty and injustice still exist, those with bravery and ambition will fight it, tooth and claw.
How to purchase
Meridian City Tarot is available as a deck of 22 cards in addition to prints of each design. Prints are available in a variety of sizes.To order a 22-card deck: Contact me through my email, [email protected], and I will let you know if I have stock available. Because I have to order decks in bulk to keep the cost down, you may have to wait until there are enough inquiries to justify another deck order. If you would like one sooner, let me know and we can discuss options.To order prints of various sizes: Visit my Inprnt store through the button below! All of my tarot designs are available there, along with other prints!To order prints of a specific size (e.g. 11"x17" or 5"x7"): Because I cannot control the sizes at which Inprnt offers my work, certain sizes will only be available by contacting me. If you'd like one of these sizes, email me at [email protected] so we can discuss what you'd like. As a general rule, 11"x17" prints will cost $20, and 5"x7" prints will cost $8. This does not include shipping.
Hello there, and thank you for your interest in my work! My name is Haidyn Sosalla-Bahr, and I am an illustrator, character designer, and concept artist with a love for bright colors and bold compositions. I am very inspired by the fantasy and cyberpunk genres, and I enjoy adapting these themes into my own work. Most of my art revolves around richly complex narratives full of strong-willed characters struggling against the powers and people that fight to keep them down.Meridian City Tarot was inspired by a long-running creative project of mine, revolving around Meridian and its cast of characters. I have long had a separate interest in tarot cards, particularly the ways in which the artistry of the illustrations intersects with each card's meaning. The Chariot was the first card I drew, and it fittingly features Surge, one of the most important characters within Meridian's narrative. The rest of the project evolved from there.Whenever I'm not drawing, I'm reading, writing, playing video games, or playing D&D with friends.Contact me at [email protected] with any questions or comments. I would love to hear from you!